With FNB's E-Statement System, you can have any or all of your Checking and Savings account statements sent to our web site for viewing.
Just fill out the Web Delivery E-Statement Registration Form and bring in to the bank. You will be notified by email when your next statement is ready for viewing. You can view, print, and save files. They look just like the paper statements you receive now.
View statements inside of FirstNet Online Banking or use the E-Statement log in to view 1 statement at a time. The second option is perfect for customers needing to have access for accountants or business managers.
Save a tree and fill out an application today!
E-Statement Registration Form PDF
Log into E-Statements
Statements on CD
Would you like to store all of your statements on a disk and get rid of stacks of paper? First National Bank offers Statements on CD. Order a disk with several accounts and several years worth of statements all in one easy to use disk.
You do not need a special program to view your statements. Our Statements on CD comes with its own executable program. See your statements with images all with a click of a button.
There is a $5.00 charge for this service.
Please note: If you use a MAC computer, please let our customer service representative know beforehand.